Facility Rentals

Facility rentals

image of renters in community room B


The Nepean Museum has two community rooms available for rental. There is an hourly charge for for room usage. This policy is in accordance with the Parks and Recreation branch of the City of Ottawa fee schedules.                                                                

Room B - Chairs only - 35 people; Chairs and tables - 30 people
Room C - Chairs only - 20 people; Chairs and tables - 15 people

Our current rates are as follows:

Non-Profit Groups
A group that offers a service or program that does not have the goal of making a profit such as community associations, service clubs and self-help groups.

Room B - $7.05 per hour
Room C - $7.05 per hour

Private Activity
A private group or an individual citizen offering an activity to an exclusive target audience such as celebrations, company meetings, and workshops.

Room B - $28.40 per hour
Room C - $28.40 per hour

Commercial Activities
A 'for-profit' individual or group whose primary goal is selling product(s) and /or services.

Room B - $39.25 per hour
Room C - $39.25 per hour 

Please call for combined rates.

Prices are subject to change pending the outcome of budget reviews for the City of Ottawa.

Please call us at 613 580-9638 ext 17300 to arrange booking times. 

