Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is comprised of 12 heritage minded community members, including a City of Ottawa Councillor. The Board is elected by the general membership and directs the governance of the museum.
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Joan KinniePresidentMs. Kinnie has recently retired as the Director General of Material and Assets Management Directorate with Health Canada. She has worked in various roles for Health Canada since 1993. Before that, Ms. Kinnie worked for the Public Works Government Services Canada, the Supreme Court and the National Archives of Canada. Ms. Kinnie is an active member of the coaching group which supports Carleton University's Graduate Mediation Program. Over the years, she has volunteered as Team Manager for various hockey and lacrosse teams and was a representative on the Special Education Advisory Committee for the Ottawa Carleton Separate School Board for 25 years. Ms. Kinnie has a keen interest in history, kindled by yearly visits to her father's hometown in Wolfville, Nova Scotia where they spent time visiting and re-visiting local museums and historic sites. There she developed an understanding of the importance and challenges of those who came before us. Ms. Kinnie joined the Board of Trustees of the Nepean Museum in October 2010. |
Tom MossVice-PresidentMr. Moss joined the Board of Trustees of the Nepean Museum in March 2012. |
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Major Richard Kenneth Malott, CD, MSC, FRPSC, FRPSL, FCAS, AHF RetiredPast PresidentMajor Malott (Ret’d) was born in Kingsville, Ontario near Windsor/Detroit on October 31, 1927. He received his early education in Kingsville and obtained a Bachelor of Arts (1946-1950) at the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario. In 1950, he joined the RCAF and in 1974 he retired from the Canadian Forces to assume the position of Chief Curator of Collections at the Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, Ontario.
Major Malott (Ret’d) served at the CWM for 18 years, 17 years as the Chief Curator of Collections and one as Chief, Special Projects. From 1992-2000 he served as the Executive Director, Organization of Military Museums of Canada, Inc. operating from his home in Nepean, Ontario. Major Malott (Ret’d) was married in February 1953 to the late Dorothy (Payne) of Halifax, Nova Scotia. The Malott’s have one son, Douglas, living in Montreal. In 1992, Major Malott (Ret’d) joined the Board of Trustees of the Nepean Museum serving as a Trustee from 1992–2003. In 2003, he assumed the role as President of the Board until his retirement from that position in May 2007. |
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Bruce CampbellTrusteeMr. Campbell has lived in Nepean since 1980 when he first moved out of his parents’ home into his first apartment in Parkwood Hills. In 1982, he moved once more to Meadowlands Drive with his wife and where they raised three children. Mr. Campbell has a long history of volunteering within the community. He is currently the President of the East Nepean Little League. He also holds volunteer positions with District 2 Ontario Little League Baseball and Little League Canada. Mr. Campbell sits on the Executive of the Bingoland South Charities Association. He has served as a divisional director for the house league and competitive programs with Nepean Minor Hockey. Mr. Campbell actively participates with fundraisers for CHEO and Candlelighters. Mr. Campbell joined the Board of the Nepean Museum in 2007. |
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Councillor Rick ChiarelliCity Appointed TrusteeMr. Chiarelli was born and raised in College Ward. He grew up in a small business family. Mr. Chiarelli and his wife Lida (nee Fiala) live in Lynwood with their three daughters. Mr. Chiarelli has a B.A. degree in Communications and a B. S. Sc. degree in Economics. He received his Law Degree from the University of Ottawa. Mr. Chiarelli’s interest in local issues is long-standing. He was a young political activist and achieved Province-wide notoriety early on. This led to Mr. Chiarelli, while still a teenager, becoming the youngest person elected in Ontario when voters chose him to be a school trustee representing Nepean in the 1980s. Later, he served on the part-time Nepean City Council while working in Communications and, later, at a law firm as an Articling Student. With fellow Councillors, Mr. Chiarelli staunchly defended the “Pay-As-You-Go Policy that made that Nepean debt-free. This now famous policy was initiated by Andy Haydon and institutionalized by Ben Franklin, along with his like-minded Council colleagues, including Mr. Chiarelli. Mr. Chiarelli was appointed to the Board of Trustees of the Nepean Museum by the City of Ottawa in April 2010.
Court CurryTrusteeMr. Curry joined the Board of Trustees of the Nepean Museum in May 2011. |
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Tom O'NeillTreasurerMr. O’Neill has been a resident of Ottawa for over 50 years. He has been actively involved in the community for 30 years. For the past three years he has worked with friends converting St. Brigit Church in Lower Town to an Irish Canadian Cultural Centre creating over 8,000 square feet of valuable performing area for the community. Mr. O'Neill was a member of the Barrhaven Community Association from 1992 to 2004. He was a grant member for the Ontario Trilluim Foundation from 1999 to 2006. Mr. O’Neill is the recipient of many awards, including the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal, the Ontario Government Medallion for "Year of Volunteer" and the Nepean Millennium Medal. Mr. O’Neill joined the Board of Trustees of the Nepean Museum in February 2010. |
Bill MichalopulosTrusteeMr. Michalopulos joined the Board of Trustees of the Nepean Museum in May 2011. |
Maureen TourangeauTrusteeMs. Tourangeau has been involved with Coffee parties and Hospital Coffee shops since her fist Coffee Party held in 1965 to raise money for the propose Children’s Hospital.Ms. Tourangeau has also been involved with Parkwood Hills, fundraisers for CHEO, the District Health Council (Ottawa unit), and the Champlain District Health Council. She has been committed to the Canadian Cancer Society since 1978, being named an honourary board member. In 1992, Ms. Tourangeau was presented with the Confederation Medal and the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal in 2002 for her volunteer work. She has also received the Heather Crowe Award for her work with the non-smoking campaign, and the Award of Achievement in Community Outreach from the Canadian Cancer Society (Ontario Division).
Ms. Tourangeau joined the Nepean Museum Board of Trustees in March, 2012. |
Darrel SchroerCorporate SecretaryMr. Schroer joined the Nepean Museum Board of Trustees in May, 2012.
Larry MatschkeTrusteeMr. Matschke joined the Nepean Museum Board of Trustees in May, 2012.
David ZinniTrusteeMr. Zinni joined the Nepean Museum Board of Trustees in May, 2012.